DB Interaction example
Average temperature insertion
The example aims to show how to interact with a database in Fly language. The operations will calculate the average temperature for each province.
How to run
In order to correctly run the algorithm, there are some rules that must be respectes:
- The value of nthread must be a number between 0 and the number of different provinces into the database.
- There are multiple declaration of the cloud environment, one for each supported Cloud Provider. Only one of them could not be commented.
CSV File
The content of the CSV file is the following: | ID | Temperature | City | Province | |:—:|:—:|:—:|:—:| |1|11|Marcianise|Caserta| |2|14|Napoli|Napoli| |3|9|Fisciano|Salerno| |4|13|Capua|Caserta| |5|13|Afragola|Napoli| |6|11|Nocera|Salerno| |7|12|Aversa|Caserta| |8|12|Acerra|Napoli| |9|10|Salerno|Salerno| |10|14|Battipaglia|Salerno| |11|13.5|Eboli|Salerno| |12|12.6|Maddaloni|Caserta| |13|13.3|Mondragone|Caserta| |14|14|Torre del Greco|Napoli| |15|13.5|Casoria|Napoli|
The program is composed by two functions:
Insert average Function
This function calculates the average temperature for each province, then insert the value into the database. If the query is correctly executed, every city of a determined province will have the same temperature of the others. Before executing this function, the program creates the DB from the CSV file and calculate the columns variable, containing the list of all provinces in the database.
The Fly code is the following:
func insertavg (columns){
var dbConnCloud = [type="sql", resourceGroup="", instance="", dbName="companyFunding", user="", password=""] on cloud
//var dbConnCloud = [type="sql", instance="database-1", dbName="companyFunding", user="root", password=""] on cloud
for x in columns{
var queryStrAvg = "SELECT AVG(temperatura) FROM temperaturacomune WHERE provincia = \\\"" + x[0] as String + "\\\""
var queryStmtAvg = [type="query", query_type="value", connection=dbConnCloud, statement=queryStrAvg]
var avg = queryStmtAvg.execute()
var queryStrIns = "INSERT INTO temperaturaprovincia (temperatura, provincia) VALUES ( \\\"" + avg + "\\\", \\\"" + x[0] as String + "\\\")"
var queryStmtIns = [type="query", query_type="update", connection=dbConnCloud, statement=queryStrIns]
Check insertion Function
The check insertion function prints the database after the updates in order to check if the insertion has been correctly executed. The Fly code is the following:
func checkIns (){
var dbConnCloud = [type="sql", resourceGroup="", instance="", dbName="companyFunding", user="", password=""] on cloud
//var dbConnCloud = [type="sql", instance="", dbName="companyFunding", user="root", password=""] on cloud
var newTable = [type="dataframe", table_name="temperaturaprovincia", source=dbConnCloud]
println newTable